Taper Time
With one week to go, there are many of you who are less than 7 days from completing the Treasure Coast Marathon and Half Marathon. Time to say, “you did it!” You banked the hours and time honing your body for a challenge. You are ready.
What to expect from this week:
Cut back, nothing too fast or too far. Most of you are on an actual plan, but if you are not, you can use a rule of thumb of running less than the race distance for the total of the 7-8 days before. You’re going to feel fast, powerful, rested. Resist spending this “money”. Leave it in the bank and spend it all on Sunday. This goes without saying, but don’t take up some new exercise or flexibility challenge this week.
Personally, I did not find much of a difference in the nutrition changes 7 to 2 days before race day. Then some changes are in order. Most coaches say if you are out longer than two hours for your race, you should prepare a little differently. You can trick your body into hiding a little extra energy for the race: Carb Loading.
What I’ve read and felt is that the carb-loading is more about proportions than portions. Two days before, start avoiding proteins and fats. Shift that direction without changing quantities. The Saturday before, I go exclusively carbs if I can. Carbohydrates are everywhere and roughly come in two types: simple and complex. Simple are typically processed (sugar, flour, sugary fruit). Complex release energy longer and tend to work better. Don’t eat twice as much, you will have twice as much of a chance of upset stomach or worse (mid-race sit down).
The biggest rule of nutrition is to do your regular morning and running routine and shift a little rather than jump into a giant experiment. Moderation is key. If you’re into coffee, get some caffeine. Same for gels, etc. You should eat a little more and it is ideally 1-3 hours beforehand. If you can, have your restroom activities well behind you. A few times I have borrowed from ultra-runners and taken an Imodium to calm or pause things.
Pack beforehand — check twice
Put your race number on beforehand
Arrive early by picturing yourself looking for parking frantically or missing the national anthem
Coordinate with friends for meetup in advance of the day (Look for a post on “our” tent location)
Coordinate with friends and family for afterwards before your race
Charge electronics
Try a 5-10 minute warm up in the half hour beforehand. Just leave time to breath, reflect and take it all in quietly before go time.
Smile while crossing the bridge. It’s amazing that you are gliding up and over that beast. “Wow, I got this!”
Most of all, you are allowed exactly three negative thoughts each race. One or two can be out loud, but don’t let a watch time or fatigue keep you from enjoying the beautiful coastline views.