Pick Up Lines

Try this one...on your mid week run (not the long one or next to a fast one), try to include some speedy pick up (lines).

Typically, you run a casual pace somewhere between your long run pace and marathon pace (if you know it). Think regular run. During that run, change it to pick up the pace for 1-3 minutes. This is between 1m and 5k pace. Fast. Longer than a lightpole or two, but typically far less than a half mile. Recover for about double the sprint time up. Let your heart rate and breathing set the distances.

These playful wind sprints should raise your heart rate to feel winded. Include 4-8 of them on the run and you will be surprised how easily you change in and out of these gears.

This is a great way to break up a common pattern of running the same pace all the time. Please don't do this! You need to wake up and then rest your gears year 'round.

Go get it!





Taper Time