Your Race is this Weekend - It’s Not Too Late!
Catchy title, but it does not refer to the concept of last-minute preparation for a race. Quite the opposite. As you approach the event you’ve prepped for, it’s never too late to make a mistake. There is still time to make major strategy or tactical changes. Here are my favorites:
For longer races, you have really developed some great stamina. During your race week, you may find you have surges of energy from out of nowhere. These taper tremors may fuel you to add miles or speed to your plan. Just don’t. The feeling of being lazy or underprepared is fake. You trained well and you don’t really get any credit for this week’s runs.
All out efforts right before a race are bad for two reasons. You can introduce fatigue without the benefit of recovery and muscle conditioning. The other reason is that any time you bring speed into the equation you are increasing the odds that today’s effort creates a new pull, a strain or a pain. Instead, introduce a few pick ups at your race pace, no faster (5K’s should be even more conservative). Same goes for stretching; don’t go crazy.
Head to the expo and look for new ideas. They are always pushing a new blend of chemistry for performance. I found the breakout sessions where the pros speak great for secret strategies. Take all that new advice and new food strategies and park it. Launch those advantages post-race. Hopefully, you have planned your pre-race and race day nutrition ahead of time. Even better, you tested it. Please don’t introduce risk this way.
My Favorite - Mental
Personally, I like to obsess over the tiny details of how my preparation will be exacted on this race. Maybe my shoes are too tight/loose…am I drinking enough…did I fuel up the car…pack, re-pack, repeat, etc. Solution: take a walk, watch a movie, cook an interesting meal, connect with friends. Reminding yourself that this supposed to be fun will help you find the joy of taking in the moment.
Best of luck to Chicago, Boston and other racers in the upcoming week(s)