Keep Calm and Keep Running
This post is in praise of active recovery. WBRRC has a large contingent of runners that plan their weekly long run during our group run on Saturday. So what about doing something Sunday too? It's a typical rest day which means taking the day off. Let's challenge that.
During your speed or long runs you build up lactic acid, develop tighter muscles and shorter tendons. This all naturally works its way out over the next day or so.
Try this instep of waiting it out: Run (or bike or swim,etc.) the day after a tough workout. Nothing fast, far, or heavy, just break a sweat. After that lightly stretch all your key muscles for a while. Yoga will accomplish both, just not anything real advanced for this recovery time.
You'll be amazed at how you feel. Just ask Amy E Carlos Colombo who biked 30+ miles the day after her 50 mile run. Or ask Nadine White who most certainly kept her daily running streak alive past the day after her 50 miler Saturday.
My challenge? Try it a few times. You'll see.